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Complete Website Development with WordPress Course: Master Professional Website Development
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Complete Website Development with WordPress Course: Master Professional Website Development
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What our learners have to say about us!
“I have never been a tech savvy person and I had my doubts. However, at FunIQ, I realized that you don’t have to be a tech savvy person to master a digital skill”
Chidimma Ozugha
“Some years back, George (the academy director) coached me on web design even when I had no prior experience. I look back at my success in digital skills and smile ”
Ekene Okey
“I never knew it was possible to learn a digital skill virtually. I signed up with skepticism but the move was worth it! I am sure signing up for this too!”
Faye Josh
It is a very good course, especially for beginners, having the fundamentals followed by the practical part is very positive.
Hélder Martins
Wow, a great experience. Even without any knowledge of design i have learnt alot. Basic and fundamentals with practical steps in each level of design.
I absolutely loved the course! I have learned so much and already am applying the skills I have learned from here.